Hyper History Online - A complex web of complicated information
set out in a clever way so that you understand it
Recent History
Up Close and Personal - 15 Recent drastic history events
and articles on them, from the Great Depression to The Oklahoma
City Bombing
Historic Events and
Birthdates - An amazing site, select a month and date and
nearly all the major events that happened on that day! Did you
know that Joseph Priestly, the man who discovered oxygen in
my home town of Calne, shares the same birthday as me!
The History Guide
has been created for the secondary school student who is either
taking history GCSE, or who intends to take an A-Level in history.
The purpose of The History Guide is to better prepare yourself
for your history classes and to make your time in class more
enjoyable and proficient.
The History
Net - A superb page with loads of resources for all histories!
Famous Rulers...Present and Past
- This site contains lists of heads of state and heads of government
usually going back to 1900
WWW Sites for Historians
- A couple of resources for the more eager-to-learn historian
Index of Famous Inventors - A huge number of inventors and
all set out with a quick-selection!
Web Homesite - This has got to be one of the most resource
packed sites we have seen! Not very well laid out but with loads
of info!
1492 Exhibit - A informative and to the point page about
the discovery of America by the Europeans
Brief History
of the Internet - A history of all the events leading up
to the development of the internet to the new and just-happened
Plan - A piece about the Marshall Plan or the 'Organisation
for European Economic Co-operation'